Marathon C2 Pro
OMCKRA specifications read: Maximum overall length 18 feet 6 inches; minimum width 27 inches, 3 inches above the bottom, when measured within 12 inches of the longitudinal centre, not counting keels, at the widest part of the canoe. Minimum width at the gunwales, skin to skin, shall be 33 inches, within 12 inches of the longitudinal centre. Minimum 15-inch high bow measured from the bottom baseline
examples with manufacturers descriptions
JD Pro - sold by Savage River
Manufactures description: 30 lbs; length: 18'6"; max width: 33"; height (bow, center, stern) 15/11/11; width at the 3" waterline 27"
Diller Pro - sold by Savage River; design by Diller
Manufactures description: 33 lbs; length: 18'6"; height (bow, center, stern) check with manufacturer; width at the 3" waterline 27"
→Educational note: the bow on the Diller Pro looks more rounded than the JD Pro.
Jensen V1-Pro - sold by Wenonah - design by Jensen
Manufactures description: 33 lbs; length: 18'6"; height (bow, center, stern) 15/11/11; width at the 4" waterline 27"
Jensen V1-A (Mens or Mixer) - sold by Wenonah - design by Jensen
Manufactures description: 33 lbs; length: 18'6"; height (bow, center, stern) 16/11.5/11.5; gunwale width 29"; width at the 4" waterline 32" - comes in V1-A Men's or Mixer which has a wider stern so that a lightweight paddler can move further back to trim the canoe.
→Educational note: This boat is considered to be out of date. It is slower than the C2 Pro, being wider at the water line, but narrow at the gunwale so not stable enough for the stock class. The stern is lower on the V1A than on the Stock class canoes. The V1A can race in the C2 Pro class in OMCKRA. Initial stability is better than in a Pro boat but it has less final stability than the C2 Pro designs.
Following from [Initial stability is what you feel when you first get into the boat. In a boat with great initial stability, you can stand up and walk around. It takes a lot of effort to flip this boat on flatwater. It resists leaning until it reaches a point of no return, beyond which it quickly upsets without much warning. That's because secondary stability was sacrificed for the stable platform of initial stability. Secondary stability refers to how the boat behaves as it tilts.]