
Coach Development, Paddler Development, Race Development and more

Descriptions of programs below. To accomplish the goals of these programs, OMCKRA's strategy is to use tactics of Accreditation, Building Blocks and Communication. ABC.


Developing Coaches

The Goal of OMCKRA's Coach Development Program (CDP) is to build the strength of Marathon coaching in Ontario

Coach 'Locker' and materials. Training, supporting and increasing the number of our NCCP certified Marathon Coach, Facilitators and Evaluators.

Short-term objectives under the ABC tactics are:


  • Train coaches
  • Certify trained coaches 
  • Coaches using locker
  • Coaches 1st aid, CPR 
  • Coaches Professional Development (PD)
  • Safe Sport certification for all active coaches


Building Blocks

  • provide buoys, technical CD's
  • update the manual and provide to coaches
  • provide training boats


  • coaches corner on website
  • meetings of coaches
  • reports of meetings


Developing Paddlers

The Goal of OMCKRA's Paddler Development Program (PDP) is to increase the number and strength of Marathon paddlers in Ontario.

Skills assessment and development. Developing measurements of success. Increasing proficiency for all ages and abilities.

Short-term objectives under the ABC tactics are:


  • working towards an accreditation process
  • adopt MCRC checklist measuring paddler proficiency
  • assign athletes to a proficiency level and to a provincial team
  • reward paddlers using points system

Building Blocks

  • provide paddling clinics to paddlers
  • update the manual and provide to paddlers
  • provide guides for training on web, newsletter
  • merchandise for purchase


  • update paddlers on events through newsletter, webpage, Facebook, email and annual meeting
  • invite paddlers to share stories in newsletter and social media
  • 'social' events for members
  • invite members input


Developing Races and Race Organizers

The Goal of OMCKRA's Race Development Program (RDP) is to increase the number and quality of Marathon races and race organizers in Ontario.

Marathon races are central to what we do.  Our race support committee works to support race organizers to succeed and have safe and successful races. We help with documentation, insurance, advice and training. We provide information on the Marathon safety, boat specification policies and why they matter in long distance races and on the insurance policy in place and requirements of that policy.

Short-term objectives under the ABC tactics are:


  • review & approve Ontario races as sanctioned/recognized
  • review& approve the Ontario Qualifier race for Marathon Worlds

Building Blocks

  • sample Emergency Action Plans
  • safety and boat specification policies and insurance forms
  • feedback on requests for sanctioning and post race assessment
  • training on standard boat class nomenclature, insurance, emergency action plans


  • Web, newsletter and social media promoting races
  • meetings with organizers
  • reports of meetings
  • Race Organizers sharing experience
  • joint race points series


Developing Officials

The Goal of OMCKRA's Officials Development Program (ODP) is to increase the number and quality of Marathon Race Officials in Ontario.

Marathon Race Officials will support Race Organizers.  Trained and certified in Marathon boat specifications, safety policy , insurance, Marathon race starts and tactics Officials would be available to assist Race Organizers.

We are beginning work on a formal Marathon Race Officials accreditation program

Short-term objectives under the ABC tactics are:


  • develop Marathon officials accreditation

Building Blocks

  • Officials Guide book.


  • meetings between Organizers and Race Organizers


Developing Volunteers

The Goal of OMCKRA's Volunteer Development Program (VDP) is to increase the number and quality of Marathon board and committee members in Ontario.

OMCKRA is volunteer run.  It is our board and committee members that get things done.

Short-term objectives under the ABC tactics are:


  • Certify board members in Safe Sport
  • Update yearly corporate report of board member


Building Blocks

  • training on board responsibilities
  • review of constitution and policy documents
  • board member manual


  • meeting minutes and documents on shared drive
  • regular board and committee meetings
  • bring in new volunteers to sit in on meetings for input and exposure


Want to know more?

Drop us a line for more information or if you'd like to be part of our team.